Sunday 12 October 2008

Post Numero One

Hmm so how do you start a blog? Do you go for deep and meaningful, try to be desperately funny or aim to shock?. I've read that if you don't catch your readers attention in the first couple of sentences then you've lost them (are you still there?). Gosh, perhaps it is just like sex and it is best to just get the first post over.

As a man working in the city (or at least the periphery) as a consultant makes my life one that is fairly unremarkable, but perhaps within that makes it somewhat identifiable. I also, for fun, have recently embarked on a masters course in finance on the premise that if you can't beat them then at least learn about them.

I oscillate at times between thinking working in finance is fantastic and wondering if I should go out and save babies. With potential financial armageddon lurking around the corner and 'black swan' events occurring almost daily it is certainly an incredibly interesting time to be working in finance. It is pretty scary when the crisis's next casualty might be Iceland, not a big country but a sovereign state none the less. There is some irony in that Iceland the frozen food company is likely to be benefiting from the troubles as people try to find ways to cut their costs. It soon may not be just Mums that shop at Iceland but out of work Lehman Brother's bankers to...

So in this blog I'll aim to share some thoughts on finance, life in the square mile (and a half), spending my part time deep in learned tomes and anything else I feel the need to rant about.

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